3 minHousing AffordabilityThe Missing Rung in the Housing LadderThink about your journey with your living situation over the course of your life. You likely started living with your parents, later...
2 minHousing AffordabilityThe Soaring Costs of Home ConstructionThe dream of owning a home is getting further out of reach as the costs of new home building reach unprecedented heights. A recent study...
2 minHousing AffordabilityMiddle Housing: A Viable Solution to Keeping Up with Housing DemandsThe cold hard fact: Spokane’s population has boomed, but we haven’t kept up with housing production. Between 2010 and 2022, the number of...
2 minHousing Affordability3 Myths About Energy Savings in SpokaneMyth-busting is fun but myth-busting around housing and energy efficiency, well that’s a public service! And we’re here to deliver it.
5 minHousing AffordabilityWhat is Energy Efficiency and Does it Matter?We spoke with an energy efficiency expert for answers There are a lot of buzzwords around energy these days, but simply put, energy...
5 minHousing AffordabilityTop Five Issues Driving the Spokane Housing CrisisEight out of 10 Spokane residents can’t afford to buy a home in current market conditions. Read that sentence again. We’re in a housing...